Volume 6, Issue 11 (9-2016)                   mth 2016, 6(11): 39-54 | Back to browse issues page

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khodammohammadi M, Marasy M. (2016). The Study of Floral Motifs in Pre-Islamic Iran and its Comparison with the Signs of Quran in 4th- 9th centuries AH. mth. 6(11), 39-54.
URL: http://mth.aui.ac.ir/article-1-484-en.html
1- in Art Studies, Shahed University, Tehran
2- Shahed university , marasy@shahed.ac.ir
Abstract:   (7457 Views)

The influence of the religion, traditions and beliefs in the art of different historic eras is a common phenomenon. In addition, historical and theological backgrounds of the considered population have also a great role in the formation of the art. Iranians created valuable works with precision and elegance during different historical periods and decorated them with various motifs to improve their appearance. After Islam, artists mostly attempted to write and decorate divine revelations and particularly the holy verses of Quran. Of the most decorated Quran arrays the signs of Quran can be mentioned in which the floral motifs were applied in various states. The main objective of this research is to introduce and analyze the floral motifs in the Iranian pre-Islamic works and their comparison with the motifs of Quran signs. The question is as follows: What are the similarities in floral motifs of the Quran signs and the works of the pre-Islamic Iran? And if there is a similarity, in which group of floral motifs can be seen? In order to answer the question, data collection was conducted using library documents and observing the works.

This study is a descriptive and comparative approach with collecting data from library documents and observations. It was concluded that the floral motif in the signs of five verses, signs attached to head of the Suras and Hezb and Juz signs could be inspired by the motifs used in the Iranian ancient works, before the age of Zoroaster to the time of Sassanians, applied in various angles and states.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Visual Arts

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