Volume 14, Issue 28 (9-2024)                   mth 2024, 14(28): 0-0 | Back to browse issues page

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Rohani S S, Hedayatzadeh N. (2024). A comparative study of the role of women in the mourning music of the Bakhtiari and Sistani tribes (with an emphasis on examining the mourning rituals of Gagrivah and Ardehkhani). mth. 14(28), : 2
URL: http://mth.aui.ac.ir/article-1-2005-en.html
1- Master's student in Art Research, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Iran. , shokoofehrohani65@gmail.com
2- Assistant Professor of Art Research Department, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Khatam Non-Profit University, Tehran, Iran.
Abstract:   (815 Views)
Native music, as one of the types of music, is an expression of people's conditions and customs specific to each nation, and it is considered as an oral history of that land, and the presence of women in ethnic music can express a part of the vision of the people of different regions. Native music has different types according to their content, themes, and application, and mourning music, as one of the types of native music, refers to a collection of music and songs that are sung in praise of the deceased person and in mourning ceremonies. The purpose of this research is to answer the question, what are the similarities and differences in the mourning rites of "Gagerivah" in the Bakhtiari tribes and "Ardehkhani" in the Sistani tribes, in the performance of voices and the holding of ceremonies by women? Among the reasons for choosing these two ethnic groups, we can mention the cultural background, ancient customs and the similarity of the ethnic rituals of these ethnic groups. In this regard, the role of women in these native mourning sounds was investigated and studied by the method of thematic matching and analytical method, through the library method and the review of published articles and interviews with several members of the Bakhtiari and Sistani tribes. According to the findings, it seems that women in both ethnic groups play an important role in keeping alive the local and religious culture of these ethnic groups as performers of mourning sounds, and generally have common aspects in content and symbolic concepts. Because the narrative and the way of performing mourning music, the weight and format of mourning verses are the hymns. Research in the direction of native music and writing down what is expressed as the beliefs of a people in the form of music can preserve and expand the music of the peoples and prevent the destruction of the customs, beliefs, original culture and native language of each people and make them last. Native and cultural identity and oral history of those peoples. 
Article number: 2
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Other

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