Volume 12, Issue 23 (8-2022)                   mth 2022, 12(23): 1-12 | Back to browse issues page

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Toghan N K, Khajeh ahmad attari A R, Taghavinezhad B, yazdanpanah H, Abasi S. (2022). Analysis of the image of to tie up Zahak in Tahmasbi and Rashida Shahnameh based on Gerard Genets narratology approach. mth. 12(23), 1-12. doi:10.61186/mth.12.23.1
URL: http://mth.aui.ac.ir/article-1-1865-en.html
1- Master of Islamic Art, Faculty of Handicrafts, Isfahan University of Art, Iran. , nargestoghan@gmail.com
2- Associate Professor of Handicrafts Faculty of Isfahan Art University, Iran.
3- Assistant Professor of Handicrafts Faculty of Isfahan Art University, Iran.
4- The Coach of Handicrafts Faculty of Isfahan Art University, Iran.
Abstract:   (1973 Views)
The drawing of Zahak is one of the subjects that have been the focus of painters.  In many Shahnamehs, including the Shahnameh of Tahmasabi and Rashida, this issue is depicted in a different way. The purpose is to compare the pictures with the text and with each other. Gerard Genet is one of the theorists who has researched in the field of narratology, he is one of the structuralists and has offered a comprehensive plan for examining narrative texts. In his theories, he has paid attention to examining three aspects of speech, i.e., tone, time, and mode. The main question in this article is how the story of Zahhak was represented in the two paintings of Tahmasabi and Rashida with the title of tie up Zahak according to Genet's point of view. In this research, the elements and components of the story and narration have been used, which include background color, characters, point of view, theme, atmosphere and time, and how they are placed in the body of the story and visual narrative as influential components. The research method was descriptive-analytical and library sources were used to collect the materials. From the results of the research, it has emerged that the sequence of time in the story is based on the events, but in the paintings it is formed based on the removal and highlighting and the use of the text of the poem to connect the events by the painter. In the image to tie up Zahak in the Shahname of Rashida, the painter has limited himself to one scene, but the image in Shahname of Tahmasbi has depicted several events, which has contributed to this sequence. On the other hand, several narrators are used in the text of the poem, but the limitations of the narrator are seen in the above images. In terms of aspect or angle of view, it is also open, it is in the hand of the poet, but the angle of view in the pictures is different from that of the poem due to its visualization. Each of the images has the possibility to show more events due to the focal length. In this regard, Tahmasabi's Shahnameh has shown more details and more figures due to the focal distance, which has caused more action in the events.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Other

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