Volume 11, Issue 21 (5-2021)                   mth 2021, 11(21): 71-86 | Back to browse issues page

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Nemati M, Shahidani S. (2021). Analysis of narratives in the art of calligraphy in Golestan art historiography and Managheb Honarvan. mth. 11(21), 71-86. doi:10.61186/mth.11.21.71
URL: http://mth.aui.ac.ir/article-1-1765-en.html
1- Instructor, Allameh Tabatabai Campus, Khorramabad Farhangian University, Iran.
2- Assistant Professor, History, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Lorestan University, Khorramabad, Iran. , shahidani.sh@lu.ac.ir
Abstract:   (2584 Views)
Golestan Honar and Managheb Honarvan are two valuable works in art historiography that were written in the last years of the tenth century by Judge Ahmad Qomi during the Safavid era in Iran and the Ottoman Empire by Mostafa Aliafandi. These two works are of special importance for examining the lives of artists of this era and earlier periods. Various artists in fields such as calligraphy, painting, gilding and other arts have been considered in these two works. In terms of comparing different types of art, in terms of volume and narration, the number of artists, the introduction and description of the art of calligraphy and calligraphers, is a priority over other arts. This was not separate from the growth and prosperity of the art of calligraphy in the two regions of Iran and the Ottoman Empire and their courts, since the art of calligraphy had both aesthetic and practical aspects, and in this regard, the reflection of calligraphers' news became more important. This study intends to apply the news and narrations related to the art of calligraphy as well as calligraphers in the two aforementioned works by adopting a descriptive-analytical method and with reference to historical narratives related to the two mentioned works and examines the position of historical narrative in this subject. The main research question is: What components can be analyzed and compared by comparing the narratives of calligraphy in Golestan Honar and Managheb Honarvan? In this comparison and adaptation of historiographical narratives, valuable components such as: structural features of these books, number of calligraphers and their commonalities and differences, attention to the report of calligraphers' migration, mention of calligraphers' political and economic activities, calligraphers' family status, other artistic skills related to the artists and the urban origin of calligraphers will be extracted.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Applied Arts

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