Rezaei Mahvar M, Nazeri A. (2024). Narratological analysis of art museums with emphasis on the concept of framing as the events dimension based on Mieke Ball & Symour Chatman’s Theories.
14(27), : 2
1- * PHD in Art Theory and research, Faculty of Research Excellence in Art and Entrepreneurship, Art University of Isfahan, Iran.
2- Associate Professor, Faculty of Research Excellence in Art and Entrepreneurship, Art University of Isfahan, Iran. ,
Abstract: (6205 Views)
Although the term and metaphor of narrative are widely developed in museum studies, there have been limited discussions about the essence and methodology of narration in this context, and existing approaches mostly covering critical aspects. This research, employing a descriptive-analytical method within the framework of "narrative theory" is based on the views of Mieke Bal, and Seymour Chatman and attempt to clarify the general question that; how, and of which through techniques, the narrative units or events in art museums, contribute to the formation of narrative discourse. And in this regard, it raises the specific question of how to use the concept of "framing" as event/story dimension in the narratological analysis of art museums. In this research, with the influence of Mike Ball's views on the story(Fabula) level or events in the exhibition narrative, two types of " prior-framings " and " posterior-framings " were explained as the factors that make up the events, and through the application of the five components of the story-existence dimension in Seymour Chatman's views, Elements related to visual organization were categorized as the first category of "posterior framings". Also, interpretive elements such as texts and verbal media were also identified as the second part of "posterior framings". The types of cardinal and related events in exhibition narratology are also discussed in this research with examples of the arrangement of works in galleries. This research shows that although the application of narratology has been discussed more in the literature, but in the exhibition narrative of art museums, the concept of framing can be applied for the event/story dimension along whit the discourse dimension in the exhibition narrative, and in a special way, exhibition narratology for museums Art also paid.
Article number: 2
Type of Study:
Research |