Volume 8, Issue 15 (9-2018)                   mth 2018, 8(15): 117-133 | Back to browse issues page

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Afarin F. (2018). Intertextual relation in common Artistic Traditions and Motifs of Elamite and Achaemanid. mth. 8(15), 117-133.
URL: http://mth.aui.ac.ir/article-1-931-en.html
Assistant Professor, Art Studies Department, Faculty of Art, Semnan University, Iran. , f.afarin@semnan.ac.ir
Abstract:   (5307 Views)

Achaemanid art is one of the most important periods of Iranian ancient culture. In different periods of time, it has been considered as the determiner of the Iranian identity. The art of this era has been analyzed and investigated in different ways. According to the range of the available studies and the intertextuality which is the approach of this study, the research question is that whether the Achaemanid art follows the Elamite civilization, or transgresses, imitates, absorbs, and integrates it? The purpose of the study is to make easier to follow the common artistic traditions and rituals of the old eras in different periods of time, which return the remains of the motifs, designs, and traditions back to Achaemanid era, and ignore the role of the Elamite civilization. This study uses the descriptive-comparison method and intertextuality approach to the artistic rituals, traditions and motifs, in order to find the way of oweness of Achaemanid civilization to Elamite, in comparison to other foreign and also neighboring civilizations. So, based on this division, and the intertextuality approach, the context of explaining the multiplying and the dependence of the motifs, artistic traditions, and rituals will be provided. The other purpose of this study is clarifying the way of using the intertextuality approach in the art of the ancient era, and also determining the degree of extension this relation. As the result of this study, the Achaemenid art is introduced in different periods of time in architecture and its related arts, for example; the forms of ascending stairs, landscape gardening, rocks and petrographic traditions, and also in using the simple and hybrid animal motifs, as developer and extender of many traditions and motifs of the Elamite art. We show that the durable motifs and traditions in Iranian art in the next periods of time should not only be owed to Achaemid era, but also to Elamite era, by strengthening the relationship between the Achaemenid and Elamite art as compared to other foreign and neighboring civilization and indigenous people.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Applied Arts

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