Volume 7, Issue 14 (3-2018)                   mth 2018, 7(14): 59-69 | Back to browse issues page

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Najafi N, Afhami R. (2018). A Survey on Analogy between Sustainable Design Approach and Production of Iran’s Traditional Islamic Chivalry rituals. mth. 7(14), 59-69.
URL: http://mth.aui.ac.ir/article-1-742-en.html
1- faculty of art , Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran,Iran
2- Islamic Chivalry rituals, Magnanimity letters, traditional design and production , reza.afhami@gmail.com
Abstract:   (3980 Views)
This paper aims at studying art and traditional production in the rituals of Chivalry and their views on creating products. It also introduces sustainable design approach. And, in this comparative study, the similarities and differences between these two approaches have been discussed to find out their similarities and the potential for using it in today design approaches. For the possibility of using this view for today’s design and production. In this study, the views and opinions of this traditional society in relation to the design and production are examined. This category of resources in the current situation of Iran and in Middle Eastern countries are very useful due to the change from tradition production to modern production and its damages. And the principles and practices of cultural reproduction are helpful for damaged Iran’s contemporary design and production. 
This analytical and descriptive study was conducted using the resources and library data. And the method of logical reasoning to analyze the data. The most important hypothesis of this study is that Chivalry rituals has some similarities to view points of sustainable design which can be used in order to institutionalize this approach among Iranian designers, because of the similarities to their traditions & their field cultural. The main question of this paper is; what similarities and differences are between these two approaches. The result shows that there is similarities between Chivalry rituals and sustainable design which can be used to produce a new way to take advantage of this knowledge and traditional.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Applied Arts

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