Volume 6, Issue 12 (3-2017)                   mth 2017, 6(12): 15-25 | Back to browse issues page

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Mozaffar F, Aminpoor A, Okhovat A, Ehteshami M. (2017). The Relation between an Artist’s Contemplation on Beauty-Witnessing and Enhancing the Efficiency in the Process of Artwork Creating . mth. 6(12), 15-25.
URL: http://mth.aui.ac.ir/article-1-587-en.html
1- Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Iran University of Science and Technology.
2- Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Art University of Isfahan.
3- College of Science, Tehran University.
4- Faculty of Religions and Civilizations Arts, Isfahan Art University. , sanayedasti@gmail.com
Abstract:   (6982 Views)

One of the main steps an artist must take during the process of creating an artwork is to acquire a perception of beauty which will affect the creation of his artwork. Considering the relation between human and beauty in Islamic ideology is as the relation between a perceptive and the perceived. The artist, especially considering his responsibility in introducing beauty to the society, must be able to enhance his ability to see beauty by using conceptual tools, prior to creating a work of art. Researchers have always been interested in the issue of how important and necessary is knowledge to an Artist, but the issue which remains ambiguous is the manner a bouts of perception in relation to substantiating the ability to see beauty (beauty-witnessing) so as to reach a systematic solution for enhancing this ability in the artist. It has been tried in this article to investigate the issue above, by analyzing and extracting logical propositions from Qoran verses and accounts/hadiths, as well as benefitting from Allame Seyed Mohammad Hossain Tabatabai’s opinions. Accordingly, a detailed and meticulous perspective on the quiddity and essence of beauty and the quality of perception indicates that beauty is the manifestation of existential traits by the existing that makes it the responsibility of the intellect to see it; activation of the intellect relies on the quality of contemplation. A contemplation may lead to beauty-witnessing that approaches to subjects according to the existence. The solution for an artist contemplation is achieved on the basis of traits and structures of such contemplations.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Other

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