Volume 5, Issue 10 (2-2016)                   mth 2016, 5(10): 67-82 | Back to browse issues page

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Attarian K, Momeni K, Masudi Z. (2016). The study of Courtyard Proportions in Safavid Mosques of Isfahan. mth. 5(10), 67-82.
URL: http://mth.aui.ac.ir/article-1-192-en.html
1- Jundishapur University of Technology‎
2- Jundishapur University of Technology‎ , zohreh.masoudi@jsu.ac.ir
Abstract:   (7510 Views)

Numbers and geometrical divisions, due to the inherent charming principles in their background are considered by the ancients. But in recent architecture after the first Pahlavi era to the present, less attention has been paid to the numeral relations and proportions and has not benefited from an exact reproduction of the original proportions to achieve beauty. The authors of the study aimed to examine the descriptive analysis of the proportions of the courtyards of the mosque built in Safavid dynasty. Safavid mosques of Isfahan since it was considered that Iranian Islamic architecture reached its peak in this period and Isfahan was the capital of these kind of manifesting itself. This study reviewed the changes in the proportions and features of the Safavid mosque courtyard to reveal what proportion or ratio exists between the sides of the courtyard of the mosque there. The mosques of the Safavid dynasty were divided into three categories at the history and governance perspective. Of each period, three mosques were analyzed based on the distribution of the selected period. Research method in this research is inductive that due to the non-randomness of the samples study, the analysis used semi- experimental method and also dimensions and scales of mosque courtyards were studied proportionally. The data collection method of research is librarian method and also study documentation and the analysis of maps and image data of buildings. The results show that the ratio between length and width dimensions courtyard of the mosque is closer to 1.118 proportions and Iranian Peymon proportions has been used in the overall dimensions of the mosque courtyard.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Architecture and ...

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