Volume 10, Issue 19 (9-2020)                   mth 2020, 10(19): 69-85 | Back to browse issues page

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Ghaempanah H, mobini M. (2020). Review and Comparison of the Visual Characteristics of Anubanini and Bistoon Rock Reliefs. mth. 10(19), 69-85. doi:10.29252/mth.10.19.69
URL: http://mth.aui.ac.ir/article-1-1445-en.html
1- M.A. student of Art Research, Payam Noor University of Tehran, Iran.
2- Assistant Professor, Art Department, Payam Noor University of Tehran, Iran. , dr.m.mobini@gmail.com
Abstract:   (3788 Views)
Among the memorials of ancient Iranian art, rock reliefs are of particular importance. Anubanini relief as the oldest and Bistoon relief as one of the most important example of these works, besides having a similar subject, have other symbolic and visual similarities that has led many scholars to regard Bistoon relief as an imitation of Anubanini relief. Despite the importance and similarities of these memorials, until now, no specific comparative study has been performed in the field of visual characteristics of them. The present study, in a descriptive-analytical-comparative method and using library resources, has sought to answer the questions: What is the most important similarity and visual difference between Bistoon and Anubanini reliefs? And to what extent has Bistoon relief influenced by Anubanini relief? In this research, the visual-artistic features and background of the images and symbols used in these motifs have been studied and analysed. The similarities and differences between them have been compared in order to clarify the relationship between these two memorials as much as possible. The visual and symbolic features of the Anubanini memorial are taken from the art of ancient Mesopotamia (especially Akkadian art) which are placed side by side in a new design. The visual and symbolic features of the Bistoon memorial are also influenced by the art of previous nations (especially Assyrian art) which have been presented in the form of Achaemenid art. The results show that Bistoon relief is not a mere imitation of Anubanini relief, Rather, it is an updated and modified representation that has done in the line of Achaemenid art. The most important similarity of these works is in their scheme (narrated story) and the most important difference in the prevailing visual spirit is in the Bistoon relief plan, which has led to not humiliating the enemies and using violence against them.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Other

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