Volume 8, Issue 15 (9-2018)                   mth 2018, 8(15): 101-116 | Back to browse issues page

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Mansouri Jezabadi J, Hosseini H, Shateri M. (2018). Introducing and comparative study of kubachi tiles of Vazir bathhouse in Isfahan. mth. 8(15), 101-116.
URL: http://mth.aui.ac.ir/article-1-1018-en.html
1- MA in Archaeology, Art University of Isfahan, Iran. , mansoori9090@yahoo.com
2- Associate Professor, faculty of conservation, Art University of Isfahan, Iran
3- Assistant professor, Faculty of Humanities, Shahrekord University, Iran.
Abstract:   (5093 Views)
There are 25 underglaze painted tiles in Vazir Bathhouse of isfahan that have not been studied and identified yet. These tiles are among the few remaining Kubachi tile samples in their original installation location, which remain untouched from looting. Identifying and introducing the Vazir Bathhouse's tiles are very important to recognize the Kubachi potteries, since the proof of the Kubachi nature of the Vazir Bathhouse's tiles will be effective in reevaluating the Isfahan region as one of the Kubachi pottery production centers. The main objectives of this research are introducing the Kubachi tiles of Vazir Bathhouse, the study of motifs and their content through comparative comparisons, and investigating the probability of their production in Isfahan. The required information in this research is provided through field method and library studies, and the research methodology has been considered to be historical-adaptive with regard to the subject. Since the motifs used on the Kubachi tiles are very diverse and different, a few similar tiles can be found in the museums rarely. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to all the motifs such as the motifs of plant, birds, human and also decorative margins, and from the outcome of these studies, the general features of the Kubachi pottery were achieved. The flower stone body of the tiles, the way of their underglaze painting, as well as matching the comparative criteria such as the similarity in the coverage and the face of human motifs, the themes, the composition of the spaces and the sharing of some of the motifs and even the way of painting them, left no doubt that the tiles of Vazir bathhouse are Kubachi. The study of Kubachi potteries and tiles found in Vazir Bathhouse indicates the significant role of Isfahan region in the production of these potteries. Following the artist's migration route, the impact of the Isfahan school of painting and the themes depicted on the Kubachi potteries, the studies of the artistic style and technical studies such as petrography indicate the importance of Isfahan region in production of Kubachi potteries, especially colorful types.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Applied Arts

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